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TravelGuideAddress of Hotel Terradets
GPS coordinates of Hotel Terradets:42º 04' 08.27" N 0º 52' 59.13" E Nearest International AirportsWe strongly recommend to flight to Barcelona-El Prat (BCN) airport, placed close to the city of Barcelona and the main airport of Catalonia region. Alternate airports are: · Girona - Costa Brava . Airport with low cost flights but with one hour travel to Barcelona city center · Reus . Airport with low cost flights but with one hour travel to Barcelona city center · Madrid - Barajas. International Airport of Madrid. If your option to travel is using this airport you can travel from Madrid to Barcelona by local flight or high speed trains AVE (3 hours). Transport from Barcelona Airport to Hotel TerradetsTransport between Barcelona and Hotel Terradets will be provided for free by the conveners. The transport will depart from Barcelona (meeting point will be informed soon) on June 27 at 9.00 AM and will be at hotel Terradets around 11.30 AM. We will provide information around accommodation options in Barcelona close to meeting point for the previous night (26th of June). This option has to be booked and paid by participants directly to the hotels proposed. Bus from Hotel Terradets will depart june 30 at xxhxx (informed soon) and will arrive at Barcelona around xxhxx. Other nights & meals in Hotel Terradets