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A short < 1 page abstract should be send till November 30 2014. The Abstract booklet and Final program will be distributed to participants at the workshop. Authors are required to use the following WORD template to prepare an abstract and to submit it electronically:

Abstract ms word template

Please do not modify the characteristics of these templates (fonts, margins, spacing, etc.)

Please email abstracts as attachments to and cc to

Proceedings papers

A proceeding booklet will be published for the conference. You should use the template linked below. There is no limit for number of pages per paper. The conference proceedings will be published with ISBN number. It will be available for download in the conference website and will be provided to speakers. Deadline for submitting your contribution is October 15 2015.

Proceedings ms word template

Selected papers for publication


Journal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transfer (JQSRT)

Submission deadline: October 1st

Focus of the special edition:

Using remote sensing to better understand light pollution


Your poster should be no more than A1 in size (594 x 841 mm) 841 mm is the height. Font size must be larger or equal to 18.

It should include:

  • Title
  • Your name
  • Contact details
  • Your main thesis or research objective
  • A summary of ideas, arguments, and wider issues raised by your research


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Page last modified on June 08, 2016, at 04:21 am UTC