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Contribution de Fudan U.
Résumé du projet ZhejiangTitle : Night time Aerosol Optical Depth remote sensing based on indirect observation of light pollution : A validation experiment over Zhejiang Forestry University atmospheric observatories, China Project summary : We wonder to find for a given site an empirical relation between the night time sky brightness and the Aerosol Optical Detph (AOD). The experiment will imply the use of the Spectrometer for Night Aerosol Detection (SAND-3) designed by Sherbrooke team. Our previous modeling works with the heterogeneous light pollution propagation model ILLUMINA, show that this relationship is clearly non-linear for atmosphere with moderate to heavy loading in aerosol (AOD>0.5). Once caracterized for a given site, this complex relationship should only vary with change in geographical properties in the vincinity of the observing site and artificial light fixtures (e.g. seasonal variations in ground reflectance, light extinction at a given time and site). The relationship could be infered for each site and each reflectance pattern by comparing the last evening sun photometer mearurement with the first evening artificial sky brightness measurement along with the first morning sun photometer measurement with the last morning sky brightness measurement. Such a relation have been found sucessfully for Sherbrooke Canada where typical aerosol loadings are very low. In that context the relationship is basically linear. The project aim to test the new methodology on a set of atmospheric observatories operated by the Zhejiang Forestry University, Hangzhou, China. We hope that the product of the measurements campaign will be followed by a joint paper in a relevant journal. Experiment logistic : To conduct the experiment, we need a nearby operating sun photometer to be able to calibrate so the choice of the sites should rely on that. We may also choose sites for their representativity of typical chinese atmospheric pattern. Sherbrooke team will bring with them a portable light pollution spectrometer. We suggest to conduct the experiment over a 5 weeks period. Professor Aube should come about 1 week before his 4 students. He will be able to organise logistics with the help of Dr Jiang and colleagues. Then his students shoul arrive. Professor Aube should stay one more week with them to be shure to start up correctly the experiment. Then, students may take charge of observations. They will work alternatively in two subteam of 2 students. The observation should be made every non raining night, but as of now, only clear nights are reputed to be adequate for this remote sensing technique. Budget : Sherbrooke research centre should take responsability of finding financial support for visa fees, air plane tickets, meals during the stay of professor Aube (2 weeks) and his 4 students (5 weeks). The time of prof Aube will be financed by Sherbrooke center. Zhejiang centre should provide lodging for Professor Aube and his family (wife an 2 children) and for his 4 students. Zhejiang centre should also provide local transport to the selected observing sites during the experiment. Local technical support should also be provided by Zhejiang center. Zhejiang centre should finally provide to Prof Aubé and students the transport between Hangzhou and Linan at arrival and departure. For canadian academical reasons, this project should take place according to the following approximate time table : May 16th – Arrival of prof. Aube in Linan – find the more relevant sites, test the instrument, find the way get the sunphotometer AOD data and begin observations, prepare thing for students arrival. May 23th – Arrival of Aube's students – Training of students May 30th – Departure of prof. Aube – one more month of observations by students, data reduction and part of the analysis June 27th – Departure of students |