Address of Jouvence

131 Chemin de Jouvence
Orford, QC
J1X 6R2, Canada
(800) 567-3134

Google maps itinerary by car from Montréal Trudeau Airport

GPS coordinates of Jouvence:

45deg 23' 48'' N , 72deg 13' 29'' W

Nearest International Airports

  • Montréal Trudeau Airport (YMQ)
  • Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)
  • Burlington International Airport (BTV)

Transport from Trudeau Airport to Jouvence

Shuttle from Montréal Trudeau airport (YMQ) to Sherbrooke

A shuttle service between the YMQ airport and Sherbrooke is available. This service offers the pickup at your flight arrival and return for your specific departure time. To book such shuttle please go to . This is a simple way to reach Sherbrooke. We have negotiated a reduced price for LPTMM's participants, this amount is 115 CAD roundtrip including taxes. Remember to specify that you are attending the LPTMM conference to get the discount.

Car rental

Buses between Montréal and Sherbrooke

There are many departure from Montréal (gare d'autocars) located downtown to Sherbrooke Terminus everyday. First departure is at 8h00 AM and the last at 22h45. The ride take typically ~2 hours and the cost per trip is around 36 CAD (i.e. 72$ roundtrip). Please confirm the schedule and book online at

If you come by bus, we strongly recommend you to stay in Sherbrooke the night before the meeting. See below for suggestions of hotels.

To reach downtown Montréal (gare d'autocars) from Trudeau International Airport, you must leave the bus 747 at letter E on this map. Bus are frequent and travel time to Gare d'autocars is typically 45 to 60 min depending on the trafic. Cost for the trip is 10$ and you can pay cash to the driver. If you stay in Montréal before or after the meeting, the 747 ticket give you unlimited travel throughout STM bus and métro networks during 24 consecutive hours. For more information about 747 bus service please go to this website

Suggested hotels in Sherbrooke

If you want to stay in Sherbrooke before or after the meeting, please consider the hotel list below.

  • Grand Times hotel - Very nice hotel. Price on May 25 is 135.99 CAD + TX including breakfast (Grand confort room) and 180.99 CAD + TX on May 28 (Suites and lofts). Note that for May 28th it is possible that some Grand confort rooms will be available but now they are booked for ALAN meeting. We will know after April 24. The hotel is well located next to many bars and restaurants and next to the Lac des nations lakeshore walkway. To have these prices, you have to make your room reservation before May 2 and give the reservation code LPT250515.
  • There is also a nice Bed and Breakfast named L'Ile de garde - ~120 CAD breakfast included. This hostal is around 20 min walk from Grand Times hotel and only 3 min walk from bus terminus.
  • For a cheaper solution, there is a youth hostal downtown named Eco Beat 32 CAD per night in dormitory of 4 beds. You can easily reach the Bus terminus and Grand Times hotel by walk from there in about 20 min.
  • Many other lodging can be found from online booking sites.

Transport between Sherbrooke and Jouvence

Transport between Sherbrooke and Jouvence will be provided for free by the conveners. The transport will depart from Sherbrooke Grand Times hotel on May 26th at 8h00 AM and will be at Jouvence around 8h30 AM.

Bus from Jouvence to Sherbrooke, will depart May 28th at 17h15 and will arrive at Grand Times hotel around 17h45.

If you plan to use this service please indicate it in the comment box of the registration form. Please specify which bus ride(s) you will take.

Other nights & meals in Jouvence

  • It is possible to book rooms or meals in Jouvence before or after the meeting. Please contact their office at (800) 567-3134 and specify that you are participating to LPTMM meeting to get the special rates. Note that you will have to reach the site by your own way.
28th buffet dinner > 12 years24 CAD
28th buffet dinner 5-11 years17 CAD
28th buffet dinner 3-4 years10 CAD
Night + breakfast single115 CAD
Night + breakfast double85 CAD
Night + breakfast multiple70 CAD
Night + breakfast 12-16 years17 CAD
Night + breakfast 5-11 years13 CAD
Night + breakfast 3-4 years6 CAD