Conference will be held in: Smolenice, Slovak Republic

Accommodation at conference place:

Note that most rooms for lodging will be on the conference site in Smolenice castle some in shared occupancy. The Smolenice castle is a congress centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences where the booking of accommodation is traditionally arranged through conference conveners. We kindly ask you to book the rooms by sending a mail to

Below you can find the information on rooms available:

Total accommodation capacity is about 90 beds (check the following web-page:

  • No. of single rooms: 9
  • No. of 2-bed rooms: 15
  • No. of 3-bed rooms: 7
  • No. of 4-bed rooms: 2
  • No. of 2-bed apartments: 6
  • No. of attic rooms: 4 (in total 10-12 beds)

An alternative accommodation solution is suggested in the accommodation form (Accommodation form). To make your reservation, please fill out the accommodation form and send it back to Miroslav.Kocifaj at AND martin.aube at

Money exchange

It is not possible to change the money at the conference desk. Attendees are strongly encouraged to pay in Euro. If this is not possible, there are small banks in the nearby village (3-4 km apart the conference site). It is also possible to pay by card in the castle.

Parking on site

Those who will arrive by car may use the parking free of charge. However, the number of places is limited. Please warn the organizer to be shure that a place will be available for you by writing a e-mail to Miroslav Kocifaj <>

Accommodation before and after the meeting

About 20 rooms have been reserved for april 14 and april 18 nights at SUZA hotel in Bratislava for your convenience. Attendees who would like to accommodate there may indicate that a pre-reservation have been made for the conference LPTMM-2013. As indicated in the travel guide, buses provided by conveners between Bratislava and Smolenice will stop at SUZA hotel.
